PROJECT XENOに、エジプトの俳優、歌手、ラッパー、ダンサー、プロデューサーであるムハンマド・ラマダン(Mohamed Ramadan)さんが中東エリア担当のアンバサダーとして就任したことをお知らせいたします。
「シンデレラ」などのテレビシリーズで小さな役を演じることからキャリアをスタートさせ、ユスリ・ナスララ監督の『Ehky Ya Sharazad(教えて、シャハラザド)』で大ブレイクしました。
インスタグラムのフォロワー数は2,510万人、 YouTubeのチャンネル登録者数は 1,510万人、Facebookのフォロワー数は 2,303万人(2023年8月10日時点)、また近作のミュージックビデオの再生回数はいずれも1億回以上と絶大な人気を得ています。
PROJECT XENOの海外プロモーションについて
PROJECT XENOのプロモーションについては、いままで日本国内を中心に実施してきました。
そのため、日本のユーザー比率が非常に多くなっておりますが、今後は海外のプロモーションにも力を入れ、年内には海外ユーザー比率を50%以上にすることを目標に活動してまいります。特に注力するエリアは(1)世界のモバイルゲームコンテンツ市場(Web2ゲーム)の上位5位である「日本、韓国、台湾、北米、中国」 (2)Web3ゲームの起爆剤となった「フィリピン」(3)世界のe-Sports分野をリードする「中東地域」となります。
PROJECT XENOはラマダンさんのアンバサダー就任に伴い、中東エリアでのマーケティングを本格的に開始いたします。
中東エリア、中でもサウジアラビアについては同国のゲーム・e-Sports分野に約5兆円規模の投資を実施する計画を発表 ※1、政府系ファンドが日本の大手ゲーム会社の大株主となる等、ゲーム分野への投資熱が非常に高いことで注目されています。また、2023年7月6日からリヤドで開催されているe-Sportsとゲームの祭典「Gamers8:ランド・オブ・ヒーローズ」での賞金総額は3,000万ドルを超えている ※2 など、世界のe-Sports分野をリードしている地域であると言えます。
『PROJECT XENO』は、戦略と戦術を重視したフェアなバトル設計をビジョンとしているため、e-Sportsと非常に親和性が高いゲームであり、2023年10月には日本、11月にはフィリピンにて実際にe-Sports大会を予定しています。『PROJECT XENO』は今回のラマダンさんの中東エリア担当アンバサダー就任に伴い、2023年8月下旬にゲームアプリ・サイト、マーケットプレイス、Whitepaper等のアラビア語対応を予定しており、e-Sports大会についても来年を目処に開催したいと考えています。中東エリアのプロモーションにつきましては、アラビア語対応が終了次第順次展開してまいります。
※2:参考・引用:PR Times
We are pleased to announce that Muhammad Ramadan, an Egyptian actor, singer, rapper, dancer, and producer, has taken on the role of Middle East Ambassador for PROJECT XENO.
About Muhammad Ramadan:
Ramadan’s journey as an actor began during his school days, and he achieved an unprecedented feat of winning the national Best Talent Award three times in a row. Starting with small roles in TV series like “Cinderella,” he kicked off his career, and it was the movie “Ehky Ya Sharazad” directed by Yousry Nasrallah that propelled him to stardom. He then appeared in films produced by Mohamed & Ahmed El Sobky, prominent Egyptian producers, establishing himself as one of the most valuable actors in the Middle East. He boasts a staggering 25.1 million Instagram followers, 15.1 million YouTube subscribers, and 23.03 million Facebook followers (as of August 10, 2023). His recent music videos have garnered over 100 million views each, showcasing his immense popularity.
About PROJECT XENO’s Overseas Promotion:
While PROJECT XENO’s promotion has been primarily focused on Japan, we are now expanding our efforts to overseas markets. Our goal is to achieve a foreign user ratio of over 50% by the end of the year. We are particularly concentrating on (1) the top 5 markets in the world of mobile game content (Web2 games), namely Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, North America, and China, (2) the Philippines, which ignited the Web3 game trend, and (3) the Middle East region, a global leader in the field of e-sports. We will facilitate community building through influential ambassadors in each region and host high-stakes e-sports tournaments to drive market expansion.
About Middle East Promotion:
With Muhammad Ramadan’s appointment as ambassador, PROJECT XENO is commencing full-scale marketing efforts in the Middle East region. Particularly in Saudi Arabia, the government has announced plans to invest around 5 trillion yen in the gaming and e-sports sectors, indicating a remarkable enthusiasm for investments in the gaming industry. Additionally, events like “Gamers8: Land of Heroes” held in Riyadh from July 6th, 2023, have total prize pools exceeding $30 million, highlighting the region’s leadership in global e-sports. PROJECT XENO’s emphasis on strategic and tactical fair battle design aligns well with the nature of e-sports, making it highly compatible. Scheduled for October in Japan and November in the Philippines, we are planning to host e-sports tournaments. With Muhammad Ramadan’s appointment, we are planning Arabic localization for the game app, website, marketplace, and Whitepaper by late August 2023, aiming to hold e-sports tournaments next year. As for Middle East promotions, we will gradually roll out Arabic support once it’s completed.
※1: Reference and citation: Bloomberg
※2: Reference and citation: PR Times
“PROJECT XENO” reached an agreement with “Hikaru” who has more than 4.8million subscribers on his channel (as of 20th Sep 2022) and is one of the top and the most popular YouTuber in Japan to become an ambassador.
This year, which is said to be the first year of the Web3, is attracting increasing attention to blockchains and NFTs as the next generation of the World Wide Web.
Hikaru, who continues to challenge a lot of new efforts, has been appointed as the ambassador for “PROJECT XENO”.
We are also going to take on new challenges that will create a new wind in the NFT game industry with Hikaru and we will provide new experience to everyone.
Comment from Hikaru
I am grateful to be appointed as the ambassador for “PROJECT XENO”.
As some of you may know that my career as a YouTuber was started from gaming play channel.
Such my starting point will challenge the industry that is attracting attention in the future.
I will for sure fully enjoy this challenges! And I hope listeners in YouTube and all parties related to the “PROJECT XENO” will also enjoy the project!
『PROJECT XENO』に、チャンネル登録者数約484万人(9月20日現在)を誇る人気YouTuberであるヒカルさんがアンバサダーとして就任することが決定したことをお知らせいたします。
Web3元年とも言われている今年は、次世代のワールド・ワイド・ウェブとして、ブロックチェーンやNFTへの注目が高まっています。今回、常に新しいことに挑戦し続けているヒカルさんが「PROJECT XENO」のアンバサダーに就任することになりました。ヒカルさんと一緒に、NFTゲーム業界に新しい風を起こす、新しいことにチャレンジしていくところを皆様にお届けしてまいります。
We are proud to announce that Manny Pacquiao, the world’s only undisputed eight-weight boxing champion, will serve as second ambassador from the Southeast Asia area for PROJECT XENO.
Manny Pacquiao is not only a politician in the Philippines but also the only eight-division world champion in the history of boxing. In the Philippines, he is regarded as a hero and extremely popular that recorded a TV viewing rate of 63.8% with his fight against David Diaz on June 29th, 2008, winning four world titles. On December 6th, 2008, during his fight against Oscar de la Hoya, the TV viewing rate in the Philippines was 45.6%. On May 2nd, 2015, during his fight against Floyd Mayweather Jr., three Philippine TV stations broadcasted the fight at the same time and recorded a total viewing rate of 46.9%.
Additionally, as of January 31, 2023, he has approximately 7.23 million followers on Instagram and the total number of followers on other social media channels such as YouTube and Twitter is over 10 million.
*Manny Pacquiao’s Instagram account:
PROJECT XENO will offer its services globally, with a continued focus on the US, India, South Korea, and the Middle East, building on the enhanced promotion efforts in Southeast Asia. The team has a plan to onboard ambassadors for PROJECT XENO in each region and implement promotional activities, including collaborations.
【Message from Manny Pacquiao】
This is Manny Pacquiao, speaking as the new ambassador for PROJECT XENO. As I climbed to the top with my fists, this game is set to reward hard work, dedication, and strategy. But above all, it’s a fun and challenging experience!
Through PROJECT XENO, I hope to introduce the next generation of entertainment to my fellow, fun-loving Filipinos, and to make the Philippines a lot more exciting. In fact, I’ll be making an appearance in the game soon, so watch out for it!
Like any other player and token holder, I am excited to see how PROJECT XENO will develop in the future.
For further details, please check from the official PROJECT XENO website, Twitter, and Discord.