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Season 14 Trophy Ranking Interim Results Announcement! (As of November 21, 2024, 04:20 UTC)

I will announce the PROJECT XENO Trophy Ranking as of November 21, 2024 4:20 a.m. UTC.




1 32950 Lipcy
2 23548 Excel
3 20414 叢雲
4 18758 カジュオミ@.7
5 17783 Black@Noah
6 16997 mxmflame
7 15632 フィオリス
8 15200 つかさん
9 15164 ラブリンス@クルーズLOVE
10 15147
11 14942 Mevius
12 14751 かずま@.7
13 14643 ゆりぃ@.7
14 14252 長屋晴子
15 14197 黄金旅程@No腕☆
16 14096 んんん
17 14068 f
18 13936 kuga25
19 13892 ちくわ@竹の子
20 13820 ぴかぺか@BlueEyes
21 13624 蒼のそら@RedEyes
22 13510 タロウ
23 13430 れいな@XENO記事編集長
24 13383 まど
25 13325 田村ゆう777
26 13147 怜衣@.7
27 13135 ひげ@XENO(忍の者)
28 12774 unicapi@H.U.G
29 12630 超ヒデティン4
30 12562 macjacrin@RedEyes
31 12557 Wano
32 12427 MxOxSxT(モスト)
33 12252 Marshall08@RedEyes
34 12175 がが@H.U.G
35 12116 てんこち
36 12041 みつ(ガデに囚われた漢)
37 12027 XENOTAKA
38 11893 scorpion【XENO一家】
39 11892 闘 神 降 臨
40 11790 せーやん@No腕☆
41 11789 Everyday XENO
42 11764 GISHI@.7
43 11726 えく
44 11697 ジャッ..
45 11595 山崎
46 11586 カジサック
47 11527 コチ【大魔王軍】
48 11518 すてら
49 11436 ゲキシン@H.U.G
50 11362 EIそふぃあGHT
51 11359 魂のるちる
52 11308 ナピ
53 11300 K.U.M.A
54 11112 MILK
55 11078 ★☆★NINE★☆★
56 11034 コウキ
57 10977 Zapの上田
58 10828 yami
59 10819 アキ
60 10760 サクラ
61 10757 まるかい@BlueEyes
62 10756 ニコモモ
63 10531 おすぎ
64 10465 最弱王
65 10372 ひでじぃ
66 10297 ANEJO
67 10261 たった
68 10223 gam@No腕☆
69 10214 XENO娘
70 10206 EIGHT
71 10174 食運のリンゴ
72 10139 フルヤ
73 10134 田村ここあ
74 10083 Pekepon
75 10051 ゆいめろん
76 10044 桃レモン学園
77 9917 の子@CLOVER
78 9863 せやかて工藤@Nnk@No腕☆
79 9845 HACHI
80 9806 makatty
81 9791 ゼノケン
82 9775 PAKU@.7
83 9767 ただのマイティ
84 9721 シカプー
85 9710 ろしあん
86 9687 kingburger
87 9662 むぎんご園長先生
88 9552 一条
89 9538 shoyan
90 9534 ちゃんりょー
91 9498 meimeimei@No腕☆
92 9330 hiroten
93 9319 あきぱん
94 9246 タイト
95 9194 taku@No腕☆
96 9157 ただの、和太奥義
97 9104 value@.7
98 9075 バヤシ
99 8924 【大魔王軍】エンドゥー小林
100 8897 かめこう侍
101 8812 誕生日馬券
102 8800 HAYATE@No腕☆
103 8747 issi
104 8734 user_kn7ejh
105 8726 魅狐ノ蒼葡萄@CLOVER
106 8685 user_59Z6J3
107 8625 【魔あぽぅ☆】
108 8594 G.ざらめ
109 8539 かも
110 8452 ドナ
111 8447 あわやん
112 8428 ただの、ポケモンマスター。
113 8417 DKK4126
114 8405 shoku
115 8396 暗黒騎士shokuson
116 8369 5畳悟(2アンデシオンルーブル)
117 8368 おーかみ
119 8325 Jack the ripper
120 8312 user_NPQM7X
121 8311 embryo
122 8308 クロバ@.7
123 8303 のぶお(ゆうごまん父)
124 8294 りくちんゆー
125 8292
126 8245 テスト中古瀬
127 8242 NG.SHO
128 8216 Mike@H.U.G
129 8190 (山羊)
130 8181 ちんもく
131 8176 RakudaX
132 8166 やまだねこ@H.U.G
133 8136 クラーク像
134 8056 まおうイーモ
135 8044 とまとん笑@CLOVER
136 7992 歓喜
137 7983 不可
138 7981 K@CLOVER
139 7970 構成模索中 とかげ
140 7939 しま
141 7931 keiぽるん
142 7908 大魔王の右腕
143 7903 ケチャップ
144 7880 WAQ
145 7869 number9
146 7866 etude
147 7858 SORA
148 7836 純@CLOVER
149 7800 ぼりぼり
150 7760 マレーシアの修行僧
151 7729 G.tatsuya@No.腕☆
152 7678 金銭的に追い込まれた モハ
153 7674 いとゆう
154 7673 Crypto.
155 7622 熊猫
156 7591 820ポヴ610
157 7575 Mata & son-7yo
158 7575 トゥッティー
159 7561 happ1
160 7558 パパ
161 7548
162 7526 キジトラぬこ(‘ω’)
163 7512 ののぺん
164 7512 おすし
165 7512 SHO
166 7507 長@No腕☆
167 7502 ダイ@GCAKERs
168 7486 Syuu
169 7477 3×4
170 7469 みずの@Noah
171 7453 宝悠
172 7425 片桐えりりか
173 7425 ばく
174 7400
175 7394 かなかな
176 7389 ☆Yusuke.7☆
177 7386 プーチ
178 7371 いぃょなぁ:⁠-⁠)
179 7370 ばらちん
180 7365 トボ
181 7347 REMU-91
182 7339 じょんれも
183 7337 たろちゃま【大魔王軍】
184 7336 kaz727@No腕☆
185 7330 PE.Young
186 7328 嫁の手先のレイ君@H.U.G
187 7320 taro@.7
188 7311 あかたな
189 7306 おたか
190 7302 opii
191 7283
192 7281 ソルト
193 7277 げん
194 7271 NOIS
195 7258 とるるん
196 7237 user_81EGPK
197 7220 LGY
198 7215 suke@No腕☆
199 7198 環境不適応者
200 7172 HISADER-MAN
201 7171
202 7154 デイ
203 7135 ごろねこ
204 7113 じゃさく
205 7106 Mizoh
206 7103 freecat
207 7100 ナオ☆
208 7093 ミラノ風ゴリラ@RedEyes
209 7083 おかめと鬼
210 7080 よんどめ
211 7073 Takato@H.U.G
212 7039 Re :birth
213 7038 Indiff
214 7030 なかの
215 7030 紅月@BlueEyes
216 7018 花と木
217 7013 ぶりぶりぶりぶりぶり
218 7001 魔法のランプ Noah
219 7000 KAGURA@.7
220 6975
221 6964 ギャオ【田村】
222 6962 あおき@けもの
223 6951 タイキング
224 6946 UKYO
225 6925 user 5628745
226 6901 Tak Mit
227 6894 ろろろ
228 6894 コナン(本物)@No腕☆
229 6883 おまりおん@強炭酸
230 6882 あっと@No腕☆
231 6856 幽騎だニャーん
232 6852 桓騎@No腕☆
233 6844 G.ABBA@No腕☆
234 6821 リューさん
235 6817 k@No腕☆
236 6789 GAJI
237 6768 ぶっしゅ@勝負はこれから
238 6767 カリカリッカリー
239 6754 Louis@BlueEyes
240 6753 あーくん
241 6750 はみ子です
242 6699 ろい
243 6694 ゆずこしょう。
244 6680 AAA
245 6671 yuji
246 6648 vg
247 6630 ひでぼー
248 6627 57J132 @勝負はこれから
249 6622 とろろ
250 6605 えべんじのコネ?
251 6600 かたかなマン【魔】@No腕☆
252 6597 叶瀬@No腕
253 6589 sakura@BlueEyes
254 6583
255 6581 WaNa@勝負はこれから
256 6579 やっしー
257 6572 iAMGoGo
258 6553 heti…@No腕☆
259 6544 TOKI∮@No腕☆
260 6537
261 6534 あんじ
262 6532
263 6528 まえっさん
264 6528 ァーコト
265 6522 miroku
266 6519 チョコ@No椀☆
267 6503 ガリガリくん@NO腕☆
268 6499 よし liver888
269 6497 KANZAKI@BlueEyes
270 6482 user_pxmkgjd
271 6466 サムライ魄
272 6450 たそがれ
273 6447 kuro
274 6443 このひと【田村】
275 6439 tobi
276 6438 HALBOY
277 6425 haha
278 6420 12151
279 6418 ?MIARIA?
280 6417 ロマネコ
281 6408 えさっちょ
282 6400
283 6400 ベッコベコ@No腕☆
284 6398 かかりちょ
285 6396 カープソース研究家@No腕☆
286 6386 ぽたぽたやき@H.U.G
287 6385 shin@なまけもの
288 6377 みゃん
289 6376 りゅりゅぽ
290 6372 Da-kun
291 6365 だるま
292 6352 【大魔王軍】繚華@No腕☆
293 6349 T
294 6341 ワカメ@No腕☆
295 6340 そうめんマン
296 6338 はる
297 6332 Demetori
298 6331 P
299 6328 おばQ
300 6324 カルディ
301 6322 86ST
302 6320 ぽよぽん
303 6319 コージ@勝負はこれから
304 6318 ヴェル
305 6315 ∞shun∞
306 6300 るびす@竹の子
307 6299 YABU@H.U.G
308 6294 ポ勢Doooon
309 6291
310 6288
311 6276 闇夜神
312 6251 頭八咫烏@RedEyes
313 6249 魔こっちゃん!
314 6237 ディズニー@No腕☆
315 6232 yuki
316 6229 9ine
317 6228 ラン
318 6220 カメックス
319 6213 aoiaoi
320 6204 はるピー
321 6195 Tam
322 6188 Rkw@RedEyes
323 6166 ナイキー
324 6159 天に帰る時が来たのだ
325 6157 BANKING
326 6145 G.怒羅魂@No腕☆
327 6140 fab
328 6137 Luke
329 6134 Lion@RedEyes
331 6124 unlucky
332 6122 カネクリボー
333 6121 ペンギンによる日々の雑記
334 6117 YAGI
335 6113 ジュラチ@H.U.G
336 6113 ケンメイソン
337 6108 にゃんぱすー@CLOVER
338 6104 タヌライダー
339 6102 user_ヒロ
340 6101 pino
341 6094 XENO3150
342 6092 yazushi
343 6084 kinax
344 6077 アルフォート
345 6075 DCデシ@No腕☆
346 6070 ☆火魅斬☆
347 6066 ほえーる
348 6060 miyuju
349 6056 LETGO@なまけもの
350 6054 紫鳥
351 6053 伝説の孫の手2
352 6046 おうばんやき
353 6040 大佐
354 6038
355 6035 KINUDA
356 6034 RiRi-777@GCAKERs
357 6031 ジンセイ
358 6031 バースト
359 6027 BGHB
360 6024 じるねこ[野良]
361 6021 爆遁くん@勝負はこれから
362 6011 Nakai
363 5996 KEN
364 5993 兎我
365 5987 マルコ
366 5972 ICHIGO
367 5971 なり
368 5970 ヤッチ
369 5970 LC
370 5963 オオタニサン@No腕☆
371 5953 tamago
372 5948 速射ガンマン a.k.a. 龍神
373 5945 あくれす@No腕☆
374 5945 one
375 5943 MK@No腕☆
376 5940 8peye2@No腕☆
377 5938 ボンサイマン@x777
378 5931 ampa
379 5926 ロゴス
380 5922 boLLe
381 5921 Itsu
382 5918 わっしょい侍
383 5912 5885
384 5905 ぜのくん@No腕☆
385 5903 坊丸@T.ぽるん
386 5902 G.もちもち【Urus】
387 5900 魔女の一撃@NO腕☆
388 5897 G.JiroM(ざらめ)@No腕☆
389 5894 新世界の神
390 5887 メモA
391 5885 あひるさん
392 5880 むく@No腕☆
393 5876 わくわく沖縄
394 5864 ちゃぼ
395 5863 ハイエース
396 5861 正統派
397 5860 ゼノリアン@勝負はこれから
398 5856 prayer 1
399 5856
400 5840 らいぞう
401 5838 Ke$hi
402 5835 リアン
403 5834 岡D 召喚お休み中zzz…
404 5828 ふたふた
405 5827 しょっぴー@No腕☆
406 5826 クーマ@なまけもの
407 5826 よう
408 5826 Yoshi
409 5813 ユチャラティ
410 5811 Rui
411 5801 user_GV2W2W
412 5798 user_81KDDE
413 5795 GAKU@No腕☆
414 5793 もものも@賢人10難民
415 5793 ねこ。
416 5793 user_6YX77E
417 5788 ☆PON☆PON☆
418 5784 Jun
419 5783 こん
420 5781 タイキドン
421 5779 8KJP73
422 5776 kyotaro
423 5774 ぽいぽいよろぶーん
424 5769 ぱぱぱぱぱーぱぱぱ
425 5768 すぱまん
426 5766 岳音
427 5766 G. きたっち @NO腕☆
428 5765 秀人
429 5764 aru2016game
430 5764 ……
431 5761 まつし
432 5758 たっち
433 5757 User_kings
434 5754 kei7
435 5748
便秘解消 寝落ちマジでごめんなさい
436 5746 No腕☆taku☆
437 5746 焼股
438 5745 0
439 5744 TDK
440 5743 オーギー
441 5742 たかし
442 5731 シャン
443 5728 半熟玉子
444 5727 ちも
445 5724 wajiko@No腕☆
446 5723 みー(キュアスノーウィー)
447 5719 user_RMG0KM
448 5716 電気うなぎ
449 5714 奈良の大仏
450 5709 サメちゃん@雲外蒼天
451 5709 XENOおじさん
452 5705 お前にサンを救えるか
453 5701 対戦ありがとう@No腕☆
454 5693 冥界のロキ
455 5688 goOGoo
456 5688 ヤサグレG
457 5687 tommu@No腕☆
458 5686 frannkfur0
459 5685 ひょーご
460 5684 Jun$
461 5683 アラディン@No腕☆
462 5680 とおる@CLOVER
463 5676 でるた
464 5673 イッヌ_φ(・_・
465 5673 やと@No腕☆
466 5671 Ash
467 5665 jazzanaval FJ#
468 5665 fi
469 5658 otaka
470 5657 B R H
471 5653 user_NPVJ06
472 5641 youskate
473 5641 nao
474 5638 やそ
475 5637 桃白白
476 5634 リリー@No腕☆
477 5633 水信【果物屋】
478 5632 天竜の咆哮
479 5631 トウゴ
480 5628 おばQ
481 5623 なぴこ
482 5623 暗闇には勝てませんので何卒
483 5620 KUSA @No腕☆
484 5617 ぴか
485 5612 こぶち
486 5608 user_2Y3L9N
487 5603 六根清浄
488 5602 seichan13
489 5595 b0y
490 5594 user_83GJ9P
491 5592 Sou636@GCAKERs
492 5591 毘沙門天
493 5589 ぽるん@T.ぽるん
494 5580 Pさん
495 5579 エルサへこ
496 5578 マブ
497 5576 DIABLO
498 5565 Ryo
499 5564 福徳
500 5564 ヤック
501 5563 鎮座
502 5558 しょこ
503 5548 mumupooh@T.ぽるん
504 5544 Gunners
505 5542 Sapp@No腕
506 5539 無名
507 5537 haseo
508 5537 user_RVNWWV
509 5536 yahman
510 5530 たつぼー
511 5529
512 5528
513 5526 キャンチョメ
514 5510 ナメ次郎
515 5506 238P
516 5506 kazz
517 5502 $hino@CLOVER
518 5502
519 5497 赤ワイン
520 5497 No腕☆◆ki-hiro◆
521 5493 user_RPLDDJ
522 5493 MIKIYA
523 5492 エリンギ
524 5488 TOMO@なまけもの
525 5484 一花~ichika~
526 5483 D
527 5483 らりるれろ
528 5483 ななし
529 5482 @Need not to knowアーク
530 5473 taku
531 5472 user_4GXD2P
532 5471 user_QKYK0J
533 5469 しばいぬ
534 5469 known
535 5466 CHOSUKE
536 5465 amsk
537 5464 Rutile
538 5463 ss
539 5463 太陽の塔
540 5457 So Lame!!
541 5454 うごくかわゆ@T.ぽるん
542 5453 tonmo
543 5451 taka
544 5450 完全体 わか
545 5449 うぉん☆てっど@RedEyes
546 5446 h
547 5444 みつきさん
548 5442 じむお
549 5441 ジン
550 5440 mono
551 5438 パンドラ
552 5437 れおれお
553 5437 微課菌
554 5433 おさかなおじさん@No腕☆
555 5430 objectAqua
556 5427 トモやん
557 5421 TQ
558 5419 AK73
559 5418 バッシー
560 5418 もっくん
561 5417 No腕☆フジさん
562 5416 ドッカーン
563 5415 MB
564 5413 右舞坊
565 5411 ibushiGIN830
566 5410 silky00002
567 5408 ゴルバッキー@No腕☆
568 5408 豚カシラ塩で@CLOVER
569 5407
570 5407 ron@社畜エンジニア
571 5406 ムロセ GM
572 5404 KIKKA
573 5400 G.ベンティ@No腕☆
574 5400 なあ、まえっさん
575 5395 Yuu みさまる
576 5392 かめさん〔敵 ジェネ〕
577 5391 まなべ
578 5390 manta
579 5389 オパチョ
580 5389 Yama@CLOVER
581 5384 Pocarim@GCAKERs
582 5382 くーど
583 5381 ∞なおぴ∞【大魔王軍】(悪)
584 5381 REINIK
585 5380 RaLa
586 5379 ぺそ.
587 5378 鯉恋太郎
588 5377 user_5ZKMZK
589 5377 sayu
590 5372 カマボコ侍。
591 5371 せな
592 5371 ちよが丸
593 5371 user_3AN9QU
594 5371 ぱるぷんて
595 5370 脳筋プレー
596 5366 そうせい @BlueEyes
597 5365 寿寿@No腕☆
598 5365 ジョルノ潮花
599 5364 とわ
600 5357 カズΩ
601 5356 厄の人
602 5355 ポンタリアン
603 5344 あざふせ
604 5343 copper
605 5343 激うまちょこ@RedEyes
606 5343 リンタロ511
607 5343 ナベゾー
608 5338 John Nyan Jiro
609 5336 tad(タッド)
610 5332 noritama
611 5331 HARU
612 5329 Hatoyu
613 5328 mathy
614 5326 youp5618
615 5325 スイッチ
616 5325 フシギバナ
617 5324 KARMA
618 5317 MAXヒャッホー
619 5315 かず
620 5314 ちびの助 @No腕☆
621 5312 funaemon
622 5312 ☆ZORN☆@No腕☆
623 5310 エネル@神
624 5308 SAKOまんじ
625 5308 カノセGD
626 5308 かか丸
627 5308
628 5307 user_gen02
629 5307 必殺ヤマー
630 5305 (´ー`)
631 5303 user_KJG0W2
632 5302 GEE
633 5299 ヤマ
634 5297 ラクシー
635 5296 G.358光*GOT’EM
636 5294 ROSE@BlueEyes
637 5294 ノビ.ノビシロ
638 5293 NAO01
639 5292 Y.N
640 5291 user_0VZ
641 5289 Aosagi
642 5286 ユートピア
643 5286 W7X2X7
644 5285 カフェオレ
645 5283 かな
646 5282 タツヤ&アツト【trc】
647 5280 user_ZX2MN7
648 5280
649 5279 あかさ01
650 5275 user_6KW3YB
651 5272 KYKemi
652 5272 ちとしはまのりえ
653 5270 逆シャアゆーや@No腕☆
654 5269 @N (あっとまぁくン)
655 5268 ちゃげ@RedEyes
656 5268 とくだはじめ
657 5268 菅原文太
658 5267 ダント
659 5264 伸縮自在の愛
660 5264 87EK
661 5261 なんだかなあ
662 5259 グリちゃん
663 5259
664 5258 ノービス
665 5254 HyperNova
666 5253
667 5251 赤髪
668 5250
669 5248 エイミーandエルマ
670 5247 Ki-Yo
671 5246 user_5M6MQY
672 5245 ACE
673 5242 フロン
674 5242 user_L7ML74
675 5242 Y.O
676 5240 ティーケー
677 5240 犬ッコロさん@No腕☆
678 5238 じゅーC
679 5238 うどんチャンマフィア
680 5235 user_4YMXGP
681 5232 Gashimaru@No腕☆
682 5228 ちびたま
683 5228 セツナ@勝負はこれから
684 5226 だーくないと
685 5225 user_VQ
686 5225 わかの舎弟
687 5223 【アタイだよ!】
688 5221 とらぴ
689 5221 ノンタン
690 5220 ニカ
691 5218 まっちゃん
692 5216 No腕☆にゃんばさんZ
693 5216
694 5214 砂鬼イカ
695 5214 Occi.ZT
696 5213 K
697 5211 3910@なまけもの
698 5209 ハリネズミ@No腕☆
699 5208 もちゃ【魔】
700 5208 Ryo@勝負はこれから
701 5208 Adetti
702 5205 ベル
703 5203 chain
704 5202 マシュマロ ジ エンド
705 5202 抹茶らて13
706 5201 ママ
707 5201 リリー
708 5201 しょーくん
709 5200 いちりく
710 5198 かりー@えびじゃ
711 5194 みきお
712 5194 はるぴえろ
713 5194 ( ^ω^ )___無課金
714 5192 シラカミ@RedEyes
715 5191 むむむ
716 5190 SATORI@No腕☆
717 5189 ロムランド
718 5189 tokoRoten
719 5184 user_4YPVD0
720 5182 AruMimi@勝負はこれから
721 5179 国士無双解く思想
722 5179 ぴこりん@No腕☆
723 5179 さぃごにどーん
724 5178 MAMESHIBA
725 5178 シッポ
726 5176 ユーミン
727 5174 Li_S.C.N.Y(ミッション遂行中)
728 5174 たまや
729 5172 言葉責専門家
730 5170 一人CREW
731 5169 mimimi
732 5166 トリッガー
733 5166 user_RPGJTD
734 5166 HaruSatonaka
735 5164 user_8NE1D2
736 5164 mirumaskaras
737 5163 ルイセ
738 5162 サンラク
739 5161 ぱる
740 5160 JORDAN
741 5160 Bring
742 5158 RYO-Z@No腕☆
743 5157 こっちくる@SHADOWS
744 5155 AKITOSHI
745 5155 JG52999
746 5151 メリメロ→☆KENKA☆
747 5151 @ランドリー
748 5150 ck
749 5150 totocha
750 5150 みや@HIKARU
751 5149 鷹暴
752 5149 青木たけと@デルテック
753 5148 Joukaa
754 5148 J
755 5147 SHIBATA
756 5145
757 5144 HAKU
758 5142 黒猫の蓮
759 5142
760 5140 Nanaru@BlueEyes
761 5140 ちぃー
762 5140 user_diaboro
763 5138 オールイン@RedEyes I
764 5138 ナナシ
765 5138 地獄の軍団@No腕☆
766 5135 まーさん@No腕☆
767 5135 ガッツマン
768 5132 じゃぱぁぁぁん@No腕☆
769 5128 てて丸
770 5127 user_4Y02XX
771 5127 user_W7WWNN
772 5126 うみXENO日和@No腕☆
773 5126 Y3W8Q7
774 5125 metatsu
775 5125 one x neo
776 5122 ななし
777 5120 ガジュ
778 5119 きらく
779 5116 ライト@勝負はこれから
780 5116 へいさん
781 5113 ぼー
782 5110 Yuusige
783 5110 32日目のなな
784 5108 鼻毛のおやずぃ@No腕☆
785 5107 ikilix@No腕★
786 5105 Lego
787 5102 098mia.
788 5102 お前の命はあと5秒
789 5102 おはるさーん!
790 5102 kazu8
791 5099 yuunax
792 5098 どぅー
793 5096 kakao
794 5096 HAMU
795 5095 user_8XNEK6
796 5095 離乳食あげながらなので遅
797 5094 noblog
798 5093 幸運うっちー@No腕☆
799 5092 アミア・カルヴァ
800 5092 R
801 5089 ろまねこんてい
802 5089 ma
803 5088 肉玉コレステロール
804 5087 user_8ZN30J
805 5087 st_0207
806 5086 パープリンズ
807 5086 インザーギ?
808 5085 れおぴょん
809 5084 user_K7PWX4
810 5083 わんぽにー訪問看護
811 5082 ゲンガーマンV@H.U.G
812 5082 user_X6MPV0
813 5080 user_RQGV77
814 5080 かを瑠@H.U.G
815 5078 こたつ@No腕☆
816 5077 yohei@勝負はこれから
817 5076 user PUTCHII
818 5075 ライオン
819 5075 サン
820 5074 user NN9LMN
821 5074 user_R2XJW3
822 5073 海鮮シーフード
823 5073 根はいいやつ
824 5073 Kai_kai.
825 5072 よーせー
826 5071 綺羅星
827 5069 まみれ
828 5068 私はげんきだよ
829 5067 MM
830 5067 まーやん
831 5066 じゅーん
832 5066
833 5066 ちゅう
834 5064 Favnil
835 5064 こなー
836 5064 クロサチ
837 5063
838 5063 チョコバッキー
839 5063 user_3KZ7MM
840 5062 とっくん
841 5061 山芋
842 5060 user_ UP
843 5059 user_ytr5dfg
844 5059 KOTETSU
845 5057 コリン・怒・G【T.ぽるん】
846 5056 たらいうどんver.Ⅱ
847 5055 つぶあん
848 5055 virus
849 5055 musasabi#caw
850 5055 Lalala
851 5055 Popularity
852 5054 ふっきょ
853 5053 tasaru
854 5053
855 5052 月給6万貧乏マン
856 5052 ムッシュムサイ
857 5051 四季たん
858 5051 まさろす
859 5050 kinnpatu kentaro
860 5049 user_RJ9W2Z
861 5049 まいったなぁ
862 5048 No5
863 5047 オーウェン
864 5047 天外神
865 5046 misa
866 5045 user_53199L
867 5045 ユニットは使わない
868 5043 マサ
869 5043 user_RJ23K8
870 5042
871 5042 田舎もん@No腕☆
872 5040 はこびや
873 5039 MAYU136
874 5037 K
875 5037 バカラ@竹の子
876 5035 ゼノはやせ2
877 5034 user_DWVXVD
878 5033 だんぱちさん
879 5031 クレイジーパピヨン
880 5031 user_6GVY6Z
881 5030 ななまる @ica_nanamaru
882 5030 *なぁち*@No腕☆
883 5030 ぐち
884 5028 ぶらうにー
885 5027 Gaku@竹の子
886 5026 32
887 5026 アルデンテ@No腕☆
888 5024 user_86MMKW
889 5023 k.s.m
890 5023 ちゃちゃ丸
891 5023 TAKA
892 5023 ばぺ
893 5022 まことん
894 5018 BatmaN
895 5018 おねだり女子るるちゃん
896 5016 user_83QVQD
897 5016 income tax law
898 5016 えの
899 5015 Akun@No腕☆
900 5015 神鳴り
901 5012 user_VZL29E
902 5011 爆弾おにぎり
903 5011 ヴィラヴィラ
904 5011 ama
905 5010 user_RNKJ1
906 5009 こじま
907 5007 ドンキー
908 5006 炎炎のナニカ。
909 5006 のまぁ
910 5005 たく
911 5004 Zone
912 5004 サウナー
913 5004 おー@CLOVER
914 5001 激流かわし隊@No課金☆
915 5001
にゃんダム 起動せんしぃ…ばりばり
916 5000 AIQ7754
917 5000 super one@.7
918 5000 はくろ
919 5000 コヤリ
920 5000 みきてい
921 5000 glori
922 4999 クレイ
923 4998 Edel -小さき者-@RedEyes
924 4997 きなくる(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
925 4996 ok
926 4995 UHH
927 4994 うぃっ
928 4994 pooh
929 4993 corvette
930 4992  
931 4992 user_RY34WP
932 4992
Ψディンパラ大戦団Ψ    @No腕☆
933 4992 ストゼロ中毒
934 4989 不忍
935 4987 user_571QN7
936 4986 ミヒャエル・カイザー
937 4986
ネコちゃんの腹筋 six-packだぞっ
938 4984 白色レグホーンSP
939 4983
940 4980
命短し 恋せよ ひとゆめ@HIKARU
941 4980 もえひかる
942 4980 lllllllll
943 4980 りゅうむす@No腕☆
944 4976 抹茶らて
945 4975 VF.HU
946 4975 ザッキー
947 4974 えっ?
948 4974 なっつん。
949 4973 サトケン
950 4971 カッツン
951 4970 Re:Jairo
952 4969 テキサス&クマ
953 4968 、、
954 4964 恐怖の手メコ男
955 4963 ゴリラステップ@BlueEyes
956 4963 user_MM2WKE
957 4963 ウイグル
958 4963 zero光
959 4962 虎ぽんた
960 4961 忍者
961 4960 ミチ
962 4960 ACE☆
963 4960 とあ
964 4959 atty
965 4958 A2C
966 4958 粗品
967 4957 エビしいたけ
968 4957 ヨシ
969 4955 なかなか
970 4954 KOHEI
971 4953 たいすず
972 4953 高田ももえ
973 4952 白鶺鴒
974 4952 splinterlands
975 4952 ごまじゅん
976 4951 なかむー
977 4951 APOLLO
978 4949 user_LQYNZ1
979 4949 LL
980 4948 user_5K9YE3
981 4948 Kendaman@No腕☆
982 4948 通信中…
983 4946 momomo
984 4943 I’l be back
985 4942 ゴンタ
986 4941 暇人
987 4941 ーーー超えられる壁•寛ーーー
988 4940 みょーん@No腕☆
989 4940 ペコ兄
990 4939 SSSS
991 4939 ぶちゅ
992 4939 ベルクアージュ
993 4938 屋台のベビカス
994 4938 ニクたん
995 4938 ぴーなっち
996 4935 user_8QMEKW
997 4935 indecisionman
998 4934 ピー茄子
999 4934 user_RNJ0X5
1000 4933 user_9ZKEEX

The 1.5th Anniversary Campaign begins on November 11!! The new class “Dark Knight” also makes its debut!v

Starting after maintenance on Monday, November 11, 2024, various campaigns will be held to celebrate the 1.5th anniversary of “PROJECT XENO.”


① 1.5th Anniversary Hashtag Campaign *Until Monday, 12/23, 11:59


The more total “likes, comments, retweets, and quote retweets” on posts with the hashtag #XENO_1Half_Anniversary, the more gold will be gifted to all players!


② 1.5th Anniversary Login Bonus *Until Monday, 12/23, 8:59 AM

A special login bonus that changes by the day of the week will be available during the campaign period!


③ Training Support Campaign (Phase 1) *Until Monday, 11/25, 11:59


The following four campaigns will be held simultaneously:

・Daily Missions: Earn 10,000 gold every day during the campaign.

・20% OFF on gold required for XENO level-ups.

・In the SHOP, Skill Enhancement Treasure cards appear twice as often, and for Dark Knight Skill Enhancement Treasures, they appear three times as often.

・During the campaign, if you have 4 or more Dark Knight skill cards at level 10 or above, earn 20,000 gold; with 6 or more cards, earn 50,000 gold; and with 8 or more cards, earn 80,000 gold.


④ Jackpot Win Rate Double Campaign *Until Monday, 12/23, 11:59


The jackpot win rate is doubled for the entire campaign period!
A huge chance to earn loads of U-coins!


We have many more campaigns lined up as well.
Take this opportunity to enjoy “PROJECT XENO”!


In addition, the new class “Dark Knight” makes its debut in celebration of the 1.5th anniversary!


An overwhelming presence that dominates the battlefield with “dark powers” and formidable skills.
Experience its power to confound enemies and turn the tide of battle in an instant!


*During the 1.5th anniversary period, enjoy the Dark Knight with max-level stats!


▼Click here for the 1.5th Anniversary NFT Sale (Phase 1) page


▼NFT Sale Period: 11/11 (Mon) 18:00 – 12/3 (Tue) 18:59

During the campaign, the Dark Knight will appear as a limited-time CPU opponent.

Successfully defeating it will earn you luxurious rewards such as the “LEGENDARY 3% NFT-BOX.” Don’t miss this chance—give it a try!

XENO has won the ‘Great Game Award’ at the ‘Web3 Game Award 2024’!!

At the ‘Web3 Game Award 2024,’ PROJECT XENO has won the ‘Great Game Award’ for the best game!


※Great Game Award: An award given to works that captivated many game fans in 2024.



▼Web3 Game Award


Additionally, our upcoming title ‘Ergosum’ has also won the ‘Future Game Award’ for best game!


※Future Game Award: An award given to upcoming works that are highly anticipated by game fans.


We believe that receiving such an honorable award is thanks to the tremendous support from our players.


Thank you very much!


We will soon hold a commemorative and appreciation campaign for the award, so please stay tuned for details!

Starting from September 13, a collaboration with ‘Fist of the North Star’ begins!

The collaboration with ‘Fist of the North Star’ will begin on Friday, September 13, 2024, after the maintenance ends.


Click here for the Collaboration NFT Sale


▼ Collaboration Period
Sept. 13 (Fri) 19:00 〜 Oct. 15 (Tue) 11:59


Term 1 (Kenshiro PICK UP): 2024/9/13 (Fri) 19:00 〜 2024/9/19 (Thu) 17:59
Term 2 (Toki PICK UP): 2024/9/19 (Thu) 19:00 〜 2024/9/25 (Wed) 17:59
Term 3 (Jagi PICK UP): 2024/9/25 (Wed) 19:00 〜 2024/10/1 (Tue) 17:59
Term 4 (Rei PICK UP): 2024/10/1 (Tue) 19:00 〜 2024/10/8 (Tue) 11:59
Term 5 (Raoh PICK UP): 2024/10/8 (Tue) 17:00 〜 2024/10/15 (Tue) 11:59


▼ Collaboration Characters Appearing
・Kenshiro (MONK)
・Toki (MONK)
・Rei (MONK)
・Raoh (MONK)


※ All special skills of the collaboration XENO, including one new skill, are original to the collaboration.
※ During the collaboration period, all collaboration XENO will appear with stats equivalent to Lv. 30 and special skills equivalent to Lv. 5 (after the collaboration ends, their stats and special skill levels will correspond to their current level at that time).


▼ New Special Skills for Collaboration XENO (MONK)
Iwayama Ryousenpa (Kenshiro) / Hokuto Ujou Danjin Ken (Toki)
Hishou Hakurei (Rei) / Tenshou Honretsu (Raoh)
Deals fixed damage to a single enemy equal to 25% of the user’s missing HP, and restores HP equal to the damage dealt. If the target is a MONK, the target’s Ki level is reduced by 5, and the user gains the same amount of Ki level.
・Cooldown: 4 turns
・Cost: 100


▼ Collaboration XENO Special Skill (GUNSLINGER)
Die!! (Jagi)
Deals 2,000 damage to a single enemy at the end of the turn 3 turns later.
・Cooldown: 4 turns
・Cost: 200


Additionally, during the collaboration period, the collaboration characters will occasionally appear as opponents in CPU battles within the game.


If you manage to defeat a collaboration character, you are guaranteed to receive an NFT-BOX, which has a 33% chance to contain the collaboration XENO from the corresponding term (with a chance for a collaboration GENESIS 5 to appear, limited to 3 units per term).


Please fully enjoy the world of ‘Fist of the North Star.’

Starting from August 23, a collaboration event with ‘Fankill Alternative’ will begin!

Starting from Friday, August 23, 2024, after maintenance, we will be holding a collaboration event with ‘Fankill -Alternative Imitation-‘.


Here is the Collaboration NFT Sale


▼ Collaboration Period
First Round (Tyrfing): 2024/8/23 (Fri) 19:00 – 2024/8/30 (Fri) 12:59
Second Round (Laevatein): 2024/8/30 (Fri) 16:00 – 2024/9/6 (Fri) 18:59


▼ Featured Collaboration Characters
・Tyrfing (PALADIN)
・Laevatein (NECROMANCER)

Each of them is a special XENO with a ‘new special skill’ for their respective class.

※Tyrfing will only appear during the first round of the collaboration, and Laevatein will only appear during the second round of the collaboration.


▼ Tyrfing (PALADIN) Special Skill
Summons 1 ‘Swordmaster’ in an empty square. Additionally, summons a ‘Shielder’ in the selected square and in the adjacent upper and lower squares. The summoned Swordmaster is granted the effect of ‘taking all damage that an ally in the square directly behind would receive.’
[Summon Effect] HP 480, attacks the closest enemy in a vertical line with a power of 300.
Cost: 200
Cooldown: 4 turns


▼ Laevatein (NECROMANCER) Special Skill
‘Sword Saint’
Summons 1 ‘Sword Saint’ in an empty square. Additionally, summons ‘Skeletons’ in the selected square and in the adjacent upper, lower, left, and right squares. The HP of the Sword Saint increases by 50, and its power increases by 30 for each summoned unit that was defeated during the battle.
[Summon Effect] HP 250, attacks the nearest enemy with a power of 170. Additionally, recovers HP equal to 20% of the damage dealt and inflicts the effect of ‘reducing ATK and SPD by 30% until the end of the next turn.’
Cost: 200
Cooldown: 4 turns


Additionally, during the collaboration period, the collaboration characters will occasionally appear as opponents in CPU battles within the game.

If you manage to defeat a collaboration character, a ‘Collaboration NFT Guaranteed NFT-BOX’ will be guaranteed to drop.


Please enjoy the world of ‘Fankill Alternative’ to the fullest.

Starting July 11th, the new class ‘Monk’ debuts!

From July 11, 2024 (Thu), after maintenance, the new class ‘Monk’ will be available!


A new class that enhances its own ‘Qi’ and ‘overwhelms’ enemies with power!

Seize victory with powerful skills and strategies!


▼Visit the Monk NFT sale page here


▼Monk NFT Sale Hours

From 7/11 (Thu) 19:00 to 8/18 (Sun) 18:59


Additionally, with the update on July 11, Initial Holders (those who have acquired their own NFT XENO/GENESIS) will have the cost for inheriting to that XENO made free.

Additionally, Initial Holders’ NFT XENO can also participate in the ‘GENESIS Promotion Challenge’ in the game, so be sure to get your Monk NFT as soon as possible!

Furthermore, during the above period, monks will occasionally appear as CPU opponents in the game.

Win the battle and you are guaranteed to GET an NFT-BOX!

PROJECT XENO Producer Letter

Hello XENO players,
This is Hozumi, the producer of PROJECT XENO.


On Friday, May 10th, PROJECT XENO was delighted to mark its first anniversary.
We would like to extend our deepest thanks to all the players who have supported XENO.


In this edition of the Producer’s Letter, I will take a moment to look back on the past year while also sharing insights into our future endeavors.



◆Addition of the New Class
The last time I issued a Producer’s Letter was during our half-anniversary celebration.
Back the, we have introduced the NECROMANCER, our first new class addition.
Since then, we have expanded our roster with PALADIN and DRUID, and most recently during our anniversary, we introduced the GUNSLINGER.
With these additions, the total number of classes in XENO has now reached up to ten.


In the Battle Arena, we refer to each term or segment as a Season.
Up until the addition of the first class, the NECROMANCER, we have been running the game by introducing new Skill Cards with each Season.


However, due to the changes in the environment with the implementation of NECROMANCER and the huge hype among players, we decided to prioritize to enriching the variety of classes before introducing additional cards.


I recall our CEO, Furuse, mentioning that “In games like FPS, character implementation is prioritized, and having a wide variety of characters definitely makes the game more interesting.”


With this in mind, we have been rapidly developing to introduce ten classes.


We managed to achieve this milestone and now that we have reached up to ten classes, we plan to resume adding the new Skill Cards.
Particularly, the classes added later have fewer types of Skill Cards compared to the first six classes, so we will be increasing the frequency of adding new cards.



◆Upcoming Feature Additions
Some of this information was announced during the 1st Anniversary XENO Festival on Saturday, May 11th, but we will be implementing features such as Season Missions and Achievement Missions shortly.
Players will be able to earn rewards by completing these missions during their daily gameplay.


Additionally, the user level system will be significantly revamped, allowing for more detailed and frequent advancements in user levels through the enhancement of Skill Cards.


These adjustments are being made to the game to enhance player’s daily gameplay experience and encourage longer play times.


Furthermore, we are actively developing features that will facilitate enhanced communication among XENO players, including the implementation of a global chat system and the full-scale integration of guild feature.


The team remains committed to deliver these updates as soon as possible.



◆The New Theme Song
We have created a new theme song to celebrate the PROJECT XENO’s 1st anniversary.
Our iconic theme song, “Eternally,” was composed during the development of PROJECT XENO.
It is a captivating ballad the perfectly captures the game’s essence.


The very first time we had a booth at Tokyo Game Show 2022, I felt that numerous visitors were attracted to our booth by the world and atmosphere evoked by this song, along with the song’s own compelling qualities.


The new theme song we introduced this time was created around a different theme from “Eternally.”
Specifically, it was created with lyrics based on our 1st anniversary of PROJECT XENO.


Along with a staff member who is a former XENO player, I co-created the lyrics, and professional sound producers then designed the music based on our work.


The theme included in this song:
・A strong will to move towards the future, no matter how challenging the path may be.
・Immersion in the XENO’s world and battles.
・Putting all ten classes from SAMURAI to GUNSLINGER into the lyrics, and highlighting the characteristics of each XENO class.


Based on these themes, we titled the song “PROJECT XENO.”


If “Eternally” serves as a quiet ending theme, then the new theme song, “PROJECT XENO” will be an opening theme representing the new start.


This song encapsulates everything we have experienced over the past year, including the environment surrounding XENO, the support from XENO players, the passion felt at live events like the Hikaru Cup, XENO PRO TOUR, and the Ultimate Championship, and the uncharted future that lies ahead for PROJECT XENO.


I hope you enjoy listening to this new song.


By the way, the song was completed just one day before PROJECT XENO’s 1st anniversary, on May 9th (Thursday).


It really was a close call…..


If there were more time, I would have loved to create a music video. Unfortunately, we didn’t. That’s my only regret—haha!



◆The Upcoming Plans of XENO
Since our half-anniversary, another six months have passed, during which numerous features and classes have been implemented, allowing PROJECT XENO to make significant progress.


We have following plans to implement major features:
・The campaign mode battling against the CPU (PvE feature)
・Guild feature and the battle mode where you get to battle within the guild (GvG feature)
・2 players v.s 2 players, the Tag Battle Mode


These are the new features that we are planning to implement.


Some of these features were also mentioned in the Producer’s Letter for our last half-anniversary.
We are fully committed to ensuring that all of these features are available before our 2nd anniversary.


Over the past year, PROJECT XENO has embarked on a remarkable journey, navigating a landscape filled with diverse challenges.
Along the way, we have experienced both successes and failures.


Our successes have propelled us forward, while our failures have provided valuable learning opportunities. Challenges are crucial that they not only help us achieve our goals but also guide us toward our ultimate destination.


We will continue to take on challenges, striving to make PROJECT XENO the best in both the blockchain gaming industry and as a top-tier esports.


Our team will continue to work tirelessly to ensure the game remains enjoyable for all players.
Your continued support of PROJECT XENO means the world to us.

The New Class, DRUID, Available Starting March 26! DRUID Sale will Go Live on March 27!

The new class, DRUID, will make its arrival after the maintenance on Tuesday,
March 26, 2024!
Additionally, the DRUID sale will go live from Wednesday, March 27, 2024.


The new class with abilities to support your allies and distract the enemies!
Dominate the battlefield by controlling the moves of both allies and enemies!


▼Visit the DRUID NFT Sale website


▼DRUID NFT Sale period
Wednesday, March 27 10:00 a.m. UTC – Sunday, April 21 9:59 a.m. UTC


During the event, DRUID will also make rare appearances as CPU battle opponents within the game!
The NFT-BOX is guaranteed to drop by winning the battle!


Take this opportunity and give it a shot.


▼Click here for DRUID’s Special Skill animation video

From February 26th, a collaboration event with “GARO: The Carved Seal of Flames” will be held!

From the conclusion of maintenance on Monday, February 26th, 2024, we will be holding a collaboration event with “GARO: The Carved Seal of Flames.”


▼From Monday, February 26th, after the update…

・GARO Struggle for Supremacy (Extra Tournament)
The prize for winning is Collab GENESIS 5.

・Collaboration CPU Battle


▼February 27th (Tuesday) from 19:00 onwards

・Collaboration Sale (In-game & Marketplace)

Here is the Collaboration NFT Sale.


This time, three Collaboration GENESIS will be available.

This is a great opportunity to secure ultra-rare GENESIS without any further resale.


▼The GENESIS 5 that will appear

・Hagane (SAMURAI)
・Makai Priestess (Koyori) (NECROMANCER)


Also, during the collaboration period, characters like “GARO Soar” and others will occasionally appear as opponents in CPU Battles within the game.

This time, if you manage to defeat the collaboration characters, you will receive a guaranteed drop of “Collaboration Limited NFT-BOX.”

Furthermore, from the “Collaboration Limited NFT-BOX,” there is a chance for “Limited 30” Collaboration GENESIS 5 to appear.
(There is a 50% chance of a Collaboration NFT appearing, and furthermore, within that, there is a certain probability of a Collaboration GENESIS 5 appearing.)


We will also deliver special collaboration specifications for special skill effects and battle backgrounds, so please look forward to it.


▼Here is the special skill animation video for the collaboration characters.

The First Ever TV Commercials Airing from October 18th! Taking Over Major City and Launching a 10 Million JPY Campaign!

PROJECT XENO’s TV commercials will air in Kanto, Kansai, and Fukuoka areas starting from Wednesday, October 18, 2023.


15 second version:
30 second version:


This TV commercial will highlight PROJECT XENO’s strategic gameplay and high speed action excitement. We will also announce our collaboration with MEGA MAN X DiVE Offline and a campaign offering a total of 10 million JPY worth of gift vouchers.

“The 3 Minute Brain Brawl!”

In addition to the TV commercials, we have plans to run the following exciting advertising promotions and campaigns at the same time.


◆The streets of Shibuya will be covered with XENO! Taking over 13 synchronized vision screens in Shibuya.

13 synchronized vision screens in Shibuya crossing will feature PROJECT XENO’s video, playing for about 30 seconds twice an hour.


◆Taking over public transportation as well! XENO racing through Tokyo!

The exclusive train covered with XENO will be running on the Ginza Line, Hibiya Line, Toyoko Line, and Den-en-toshi Line.
Ad trucks will be running around Shibuya and Shinjuku.
Running taxi ads in taxis throughout the 23 wards of Tokyo.


◆Campaign offering a total of 10 million JPY worth of gift vouchers

We will be running a campaign where we randomly select 1,000 winners from those who meet the requirements during the campaign and giveaway 10,000 JPY gift coucher.


*Please note that each video and image is currently in production and for illustrative purposes in advertising, and may be subject to possible changes without prior notice.