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PROJECT XENOはPancakeGamesと提携しました



このパートナーシップにより、PROJECT XENOはゲームプレイヤーや投資家にリーチし、エンゲージメントを高めることができます。


PancakeGames 公式Twitter:
PROJECT XENO 公式Twitter(日本版):
PROJECT XENO 公式Twitter(海外版):

PROJECT XENO has partnered with PancakeGames

We are very pleased to announce our partnership with PancakeGames.

PancakeGames is a blockchain gaming platform project. They provide staking services and run a professional Esports team, and have a large number of gaming users and investors.

This partnership will initially allow PROJECT XENO to reach out to the game players and investors to boost engagement.

Some exciting collaborations are planned and discussed so please stay tuned for the further announcement.

PancakeGames Official Twitter:
PROJECT XENO Official Twitter(JP):
PROJECT XENO Official Twitter(Global):

PROJECT XENOが「東京ゲームショウ2022」に出展決定いたしました


PROJECT XENOのブース内では、現在開発中であるGameFi分野における第一弾ブロックチェーンゲーム『PROJECT XENO』の最新情報の公開をするとともに、実際にデモ画面をプレイできる環境をご用意いたします。またその他にも、NFTガチャを無料でできるようにするなどの皆様にお楽しみいただけるコンテンツもご用意してお待ちしています。『PROJECT XENO』に関する情報につきましては、公式Twitterでも随時公開していきますのでぜひチェックしてみてください。

PROJECT XENO 公式Twitter(日本版):
PROJECT XENO 公式Twitter(海外版):

PROJECT XENO will attend “Tokyo Game Show 2022.”

The Tokyo Game Show is Japan’s largest comprehensive exhibition of computer entertainment, including games. Due to COVID-19, it was fully online in 2020, and 2021 was an online and offline event only for the press and influencers. However, 2022 will be the first fully offline event in three years.

In PROJECT XENO’s booth, the latest information on “PROJECT XENO,” our first blockchain game in GameFi field that is currently developing, will be presented, and people can play demo version there. In addition, we are also preparing other contents to make users enjoy, such as free real NFT gacha. Please check out the information about “PROJECT XENO” on the official Twitter from time to time.

PROJECT XENO Official Twitter(JP):
PROJECT XENO Official Twitter(Global):