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The token “GXE” used in PROJECT XENO is going to be listed on LBank

The token “GXE” published by EPOCH FACTORY used in “PROJECT XENO” a blockchain game is going to be listed on the Cryptocurrency exchange “LBank” on 10th of Oct.
“GXE” is a token published by EPOCH FACTORY and used in “PROJECT XENO”.
“PROJECT XENO” expects that this special event will raise awareness of GXE, and will continue to expand the number of market to exchange more in order to improve user convenience.
PROJECT XENO Official Twitter(JP):
PROJECT XENO Official Twitter(Global):
LBank, established in 2015, is an exchange based in Hong Kong and has offices in the British Virgin Islands, the United States, Australia, and Canada.
Users can buy and sell major crypto assets, such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), in more than 50 legal tender currencies, and more than 20 payment methods are available.

Users can buy and sell major crypto assets, such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), in more than 50 legal tender currencies, and more than 20 payment methods are available.
Other services include P2P trading, grid trading, and flexible and locked deposits.

PROJECT XENOのトークン(GXE)が暗号資産取引所『LBank』に上場決定いたしました

PROJECT XENOを運営するEPOCH FACTORY社が発行するトークン(GXE)が、10月10日に「LBank」に上場することが決定いたしました。
PROJECT XENOは、今回の上場によってGXEの認知度が高まることを期待するとともに、今後もユーザーの利便性向上のために、さらなる取り扱い拡大を目指します。
PROJECT XENO 公式Twitter(日本版):
PROJECT XENO 公式Twitter(海外版):



『PROJECT XENO』においてプロボクシング元世界5階級制覇フロイド・メイウェザー・ジュニア とのコラボを行うことが決定しました!

先日プレスリリースでお知らせしました『PROJECT XENO』内で使用されるトークン(GXE)がMEXC Globalへ上場後、初のNFTオークションを開催致します。初のオークションを記念して、フロイド・メイウェザー・ジュニアとコラボすることが決定しました。限定メイウェザーキャラクターを始め、魅力的なNFTアイテムのオークションを開催いたします。参加賞などもございますので、是非この機会にご参加ください!



“PROJECT XENO” collaborates Floyd Mayweather Jr.!

It has been decided that “PROJECT XENO” will collaborate with Floyd Mayweather Jr., a former professional boxing world champion in five weight classes!
As announced earlier, the token that is published by EPOCH FACTORY and used in “PROJECT XENO” is just about to be listed on the Cryptocurrency exchange “MEXC Global” on 3rd of Oct.
“PROJECT XENO” is going to launch the first auction and for this memorial event, the project will collaborate with Floyd Mayweather Jr.
We will hold an auction with attractive NFT items, including special limited Mayweather characters.
Prizes for the participation are also available, so please join the special auction and take this opportunity!

■For further information about the collaboration, please visit following URL;

■For further information about the first auction, please visit following URL;

PROJECT XENOのトークン(GXE)が暗号資産取引所『MEXC Global』に上場決定いたしました

PROJECT XENOを運営するEPOCH FACTORY社が発行するトークン(GXE)が、10月3日に「MEXC Global」に上場することが決定いたしました。
PROJECT XENOは、今回の上場によってGXEの認知度が高まることを期待するとともに、今後もユーザーの利便性向上のために、さらなる取り扱い拡大を目指します。

PROJECT XENO 公式Twitter(日本版):
PROJECT XENO 公式Twitter(海外版):

MEXC Globalは世界トップクラスの暗号資産取引所であり、世界中、700万人以上のユーザーから信頼され、安全で高速な取引体験、シンプルで便利なUI、1,100を超える取引ペアなどを提供しております。

The token “GXE” used in “PROJECT XENO” is going to be listed on the Cryptocurrency exchange “MEXC Global” on 3rd of Oct.

The token “GXE” published by EPOCH FACTORY used in “PROJECT XENO” a blockchain game is going to be listed on the Cryptocurrency exchange “MEXC Global” on 3rd of Oct.
“GXE” is a token published by EPOCH FACTORY and used in “PROJECT XENO”.
“PROJECT XENO” expects that this special event will raise awareness of GXE, and will continue to expand the number of market to exchange more in order to improve user convenience.

PROJECT XENO Official Twitter(JP):
PROJECT XENO Official Twitter(Global):

MEXC Global is known as the exchange of high performance and mega transaction matching technology, founded in 2018 and currently, caters to 6 million+ users in more than 70 countries around the world.

MEXC Global aims to become the go-to platform for new traders and experienced investors as they move forward in their financial journey.

人気YouTuberヒカルさん『PROJECT XENO』アンバサダー就任決定!

『PROJECT XENO』に、チャンネル登録者数約484万人(9月20日現在)を誇る人気YouTuberであるヒカルさんがアンバサダーとして就任することが決定したことをお知らせいたします。

Web3元年とも言われている今年は、次世代のワールド・ワイド・ウェブとして、ブロックチェーンやNFTへの注目が高まっています。今回、常に新しいことに挑戦し続けているヒカルさんが「PROJECT XENO」のアンバサダーに就任することになりました。ヒカルさんと一緒に、NFTゲーム業界に新しい風を起こす、新しいことにチャレンジしていくところを皆様にお届けしてまいります。




One of the top and the most popular YouTuber in Japan “Hikaru” has been appointed as an ambassador for “PROJECT XENO”

“PROJECT XENO” reached an agreement with “Hikaru” who has more than 4.8million subscribers on his channel (as of 20th Sep 2022) and is one of the top and the most popular YouTuber in Japan to become an ambassador.

This year, which is said to be the first year of the Web3, is attracting increasing attention to blockchains and NFTs as the next generation of the World Wide Web.
Hikaru, who continues to challenge a lot of new efforts, has been appointed as the ambassador for “PROJECT XENO”.
We are also going to take on new challenges that will create a new wind in the NFT game industry with Hikaru and we will provide new experience to everyone.

Comment from Hikaru

I am grateful to be appointed as the ambassador for “PROJECT XENO”.
As some of you may know that my career as a YouTuber was started from gaming play channel.
Such my starting point will challenge the industry that is attracting attention in the future.

I will for sure fully enjoy this challenges! And I hope listeners in YouTube and all parties related to the “PROJECT XENO” will also enjoy the project!

PROJECT XENOはPancakeGamesと提携しました



このパートナーシップにより、PROJECT XENOはゲームプレイヤーや投資家にリーチし、エンゲージメントを高めることができます。


PancakeGames 公式Twitter:
PROJECT XENO 公式Twitter(日本版):
PROJECT XENO 公式Twitter(海外版):

PROJECT XENO has partnered with PancakeGames

We are very pleased to announce our partnership with PancakeGames.

PancakeGames is a blockchain gaming platform project. They provide staking services and run a professional Esports team, and have a large number of gaming users and investors.

This partnership will initially allow PROJECT XENO to reach out to the game players and investors to boost engagement.

Some exciting collaborations are planned and discussed so please stay tuned for the further announcement.

PancakeGames Official Twitter:
PROJECT XENO Official Twitter(JP):
PROJECT XENO Official Twitter(Global):